Guest Appearances
Guest Appearances
Bear's Classes, Lectures, and Podcast Appearances
Where's Bear Been?
Here's where you'll find various videos and audio links for Bear's appearances over the last few years. From how he practices, why he came to astrology, to the non-astrological lenses he incorporates and more on specific astrological topics, you can learn a lot about astrology, Bear, and Bear's astrological practice below.
Featured Interviews and Contributions to Conversation
...podcast featuring Bear Ryver
Bear's uh, been around... the podcast circuit, that is.
You can find all of his appearances here. From deep dives on special topics in astrology to conversations about the courage it takes to be queer you can learn about the perspectives Bear brings to his teaching and into the consultation room.

Within Orb
with Jenn Zahrt
Episode 28 - Bear Ryver
In this episode of Within Orb Bear and Jenn talk books! Bear's very first astrology books, and the one's he'd want on a desert island. Plus much more. It's quick, it's fun, it's within orb!
Embodied Empowerment and Grounded Growth with Me! and Jenn Zahrt.
Home - Body podcast
with grace allerdice
Exploring the Dark Houses: the 12th House
Bear was honored with the opportunity to join grace allerdice on the Home-Body podcast to talk about the house of sacred seclusion. Super synchronistic, Bear recorded this episode while while spelunking through the mysterious territory of his own 12th house year.
The Astrology Podcast
with Chris Brennan
Episode 390 - Aquarius in Astrology: Meaning and Traits
Bear had the chance to record not one, but two, episodes of The Astrology Podcast with Chris so far this year. Bear joined Chris and astrologer Aerin Fogel to discuss one of his favorite signs: Aquarius.
Episode 385 - Astrology Forecast for February 2023
Though this episode aired first, this was the second of the Bear's epic return to The Astrology Podcast. A totally surreal honor to sit with these two.
Episode 263 - Intersectionality and Astrology, with Bear Ryver
Just after presenting The Intersectionality of Astrology at NORWAC 2020, Chris Brennan invited Bear on to The Astrology Podcast to discuss Intersectionality, and its importance in the astrological field.
Can you tell from the thumbnail Bear was having a total fanboy moment?
Conjuring Up Courage
with Shohreh Davoodi
Using Astrology as a Tool of Understanding with Bear Ryver - #101

By far one of Bear's favorite appearances. Bear joined Shohreh to talk about bravery, courage, being queer, and astrology.
Preparation for this appearance lead to the development of Bear's 'back to BASICS'... slogan (motto? whatever you want to call it...) and the conversation he had with Shohreh has been hugely influential on Bear's practice since summer of 2021.
The Strology Show
with Kirah Tabourn
Bear dropped in a number of times on the Strology Show during the first two seasons to talk with Kirah Tabourn and other guest about various topics in astrology.
The 2nd and 8th Houses
This conversation with Sam Reynold was easily Bear's favorite appearance on The Strology Show. Of all the appearances of Bear, no other has connected Bear with as many clients or colleagues. From the consultation room to the conference lobby, this episode has spurred some of Bear's favorite research and most compelling conversations.
Still want more of Bear's thoughts on the 2nd house in astrology? Click the button below to read his article on the second house:
The Moon
Bear and Ace (Alice Sparkly Kat) worked together on the Design Circle for 2020's Queer Astrology Conference. They each brought their understanding of the Moon as informed by intersectional and postcolonial analysis.
You'll definitely want to check out this conversation.
Lunar Nodes and Eclipses
Bear's earliest astrological work focused heavily on the Moon – working with the lunar cycles and eclipses, and building a relationship with the planets through an embodied sky-based lunar practice.
From talks presented at Fresh Voices in Astrology, an OPA local group, and WSAA Bear and the Moon go hand-in-hand. But, since completing Chris Brennan's Hellenistic and Electional courses (and certifications, thank you very much), most folks seem to know Bear as more of a trad... dad.
In this conversation with astrologers Sabrina Monarch and Diana Rose Harper, you can learn more about Bear's thoughts on the Nodes and the eclipses, and get a glimpse into the way Bear incorporates his early modern, psychological, and evolutionary astrological studies into the ancient traditional astrological framework.
420 Astrology
This one was a very casual and cannabis-focused exploration of astrology through the lens of music and pop culture icons famous for the relationship with one of the plants associated with Saturn.
Why Astrology?
Just after Bear's first astrology conference (NORWAC 2020), and his return to queer and movement related conferences (Allied Media Conference 2020 after a long hiatus since Bioneers 2006) he was one of three guests who joined Kirah Tabourn for the inaugural episode of The Strology Show.
Kosmic Tonic
with Eliza Robertson, Jasmine Richardson, and Kestrel Neathawk
Vesta with Bear Ryver
This was a delightful conversation with Eliza, Jasmine, and Kestrel.

Witch Church Podcast
with Mallory Hasty
81. Asteroid Vesta & Tending the Sacred Flame with Bear Ryver
The Basement Astrologers
with Kipp Dubow
Bear Ryver - Reiki + Astrology = Chiron

Talk Cosmos
with Sue Rose Minahan
08-10-19 Evening Venus Star Point & Regulus Fixed Star
07-28-18 Risk Leadership/Courage to BE
This was Bear's very first podcast appearance, just a few months after launching Psyche & Soul Astrology. It was his first time in a radio station too.
Lectures and Classes
Lectures and Classes
Bear's presented lectures at NORWAC in 2020 & 2021 as well ISAR's Joining Heart's and Minds conference in 2022. He's presented talks for WSAA, Fresh Voices in Astrology, Allied Media Conference... he's been around.
Check out some of Bear's past lectures and talks with the button below:
You can also click this link to visit Bear's YouTube channel.
Connect with astrologer Bear Ryver
Questions? Comments?
Feel free to leave a comment below! If you'd like to ask a question, or share private feedback, you're welcome to send an email to: