Fortnightly Lunacy: Leo Full Moon

Fortnightly Lunacy
and the Leo Full Moon
The Many Words Spoken About this Lunation
This may be a Full Moon in Leo opposing the Sun in Aquarius, but this is really the Saturn and Uranus show.
It seems like it's about some showdown or big reveal related to ego, authority, or me vs. we kind of thing, but I think it's actually about how we make stay flexible and adaptable so that we can be innovative and inventive enough to emerge on the other side of groundbreaking change to the material conditions we all face (Uranus in Taurus), while at the same time acting in a way that has the integrity – ontologically, ideologically, philosophically, politically... – to grant both each of us me and all of us as we a chance at sustainability.
So many words have been said about this Leo Full Moon, and I feel like I've been talking about it for weeks now.
You can check out those words by watching the February Forecast I recorded with Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock for The Astrology Podcast. It was a real honor (and slightly terrifying and also a reprise of a dream come true). If you watch it and enjoy it would mean so much to me if you'd give it like, comment, and/or a share.
Watch the February Forecast on YouTube.
You can also check out the replay of the live chat I hosted for February. We mostly discussed the Full Moon, though we wove in a few other topics as well.
Watch the replay by visiting the members page.
Fortnightly Video
Perhaps this will be something of the new pattern: long winding words for the New Moon and a video for the Full?
You can check it out here:
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As always, I hope these words find and serve you well.
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