Planetary Playlists
Playlists for the Planets
Planetary Playlists
Playlists for Planetary Days (and Nights). Songs for the Signs. Transit Tunes. By Bear Ryver, for you.
Bear's made nearly 300 playlists over the past decade. Obsession? Maybe. Audiophile nature showing? Perhaps. Paternal inheritance? Definitely.
Since 2019 Bear's been making playlists as an act of devotion to the planetary intelligences, spirits, daimones... A way to immerse in the language of the day, and test his planetary correlation skills, what started as just 7 playlists – one for each planet – has blossomed into playlists for each planet based on transiting dignities, sect expression, and more.
Playlists for the Planetary Days (and Nights)
Playlist for Planetary Nights:
Slick Trick Tongue
A playlist for the night of Mercury, in the key of hip-hop.
Dream of Fishes
A playlist for the night of Jupiter. Made during Jupiter's transit through Pisces (the nocturnal home of Jupiter) this playlist is a bit of a tour of moody and shoe-gazey tunes.
Hermetic Rhapsodies
Another playlsit for Mercury, this one to the tune of stringed instruments, or songs with witty plays on words in the lyrics.
Sol So Cool
Songs for the day of the Sun. Genre-wise there's an bit of a range. This one is more about chasing the vibe of a hot day spent chilling on the beach.
Marshall the Martial
This one is definitely not for everyone. A mix of metal, revolutionary hip-hop, and some hardcore. These are songs that should get your blood pumping, and hot. Just like Mars.
Mood Music for the Moon
Songs for the Planets
More general than the day and night playlists, these ones are largely the earliest of the planetary playlists made by Bear.
Songs for Saturn
This one ranges across a lot of genres. You might notice Bear playing one of his favorite games in this one (smooth musical transitions between genres and bands that aren't normally played together). This one is over 4 hours long and was organized to be mellow at for sunrise and to pick up in energy throughout the day.
Songs for the Signs
Songs for the Signs
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