Fortnightly Lunacy 2023: Aries New Moon
Saturn's overcoming square to the Gemini ascendant is the demand, and Mars in Gemini finally escaping the rays of Neptune's square is the detail's excruciating clarification.
Fortnightly Lunacy: Virgo Full Moon 2023
Perhaps it's only fitting that an invitation to "see like Luna" would entail a certain cyclical darkness, and periodic changes of perspective? That there would be moments of pause, and retrospective reflection, in the realm of a planet who 'rejoices in the still silence of night'.
Fortnightly Lunacy: Leo Full Moon
It seems like it's about some showdown or big reveal related to ego, authority, or me vs. we kind of thing... how we make stay flexible and adaptable so that we can be innovative and inventive enough to emerge on the other side of groundbreaking change to the material conditions we all face...
Making Something out of Nothing with the Aquarius New Moon
In a way this Aquarius New Moon is kind of like the graduation exit exam / celebration.
Fortnightly Lunacy: Cancer Full Moon
Instead of writing a post about the Cancer Full Moon, I lived it – busy working in my home office, enjoying some blessedly benefic Moon time - free from the sight of the malefics.
Fortnightly Lunacy 2022: Capricorn New Moon
Fortnightly Lunacy is coming back from its long hibernation.
Some of you may remember them from 2021. If you do, thank you for your patience. The new platform should allow for Fortnightlies to come closer to manifesting in reality the way they appear when gifted by the Muses.